Windows for the InXPerienced – Chapter 1 – Page 10

Windows for the Inxperienced

Chapter 1 – Page 10


The Start Menu Right Column

The Start menu is split vertically into two columns. The right hand column contains the following options: My Documents, My Pictures, My Music, My Computer, My Network Places, Control Panel, Help and Support, Search and Run\85 We\92ll now briefly describe all of these options. Later in the book we\92ll go into more detail.

My Documents

The My Documents option opens the My Documents folder when clicked on. This is the default location for storing letters, reports and other kinds of documents.

My Pictures

The My Pictures option opens the My Pictures folder. This is the default location for storing digital images, photos and graphics files.

My Music

The My Music option opens the My Music folder. This is the default location for storing audio, midi and other music files.

My Computer

The My Computer option opens My Computer. My Computer is a window containing icons representing your disk drives, scanners, cameras and other hardware attached to your computer.


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